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Luppi Pierre Hervé
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 | UCBL · Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon DR1 CNRS

Pierre-Hervé Luppi  is a CNRS research director of Lyon Neuroscience Research Center and a Leader of the “SLEEP” team. His researcher focus on the neuronal network responsible for paradoxical (REM) sleep and its dysfunctions causing narcolepsy and rapid eye movement (REM) behavior disorder. According to Web of Science, since 2021 he published 137 articles as one of co-authors in international peer-reviewed journals and H index is 42 citations (38,69 times/article, 330 times/year). There were 5 papers cited more than 5 times, 10 cited more than 100-200 times, 24 cited more than 50-100 times. He also published 50 abstracts, 1 book and 20 book chapters.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-05-16 15:00-15:20 报告厅-2F


讲者 Paradoxical (REM) Sleep Muscle Atonia: How And Why?