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Moezalislam Ezzat Faris
University of Sharjah

Dr. Faris got his three higher university degrees from the University of Jordan in the field of human nutrition. Recently, Dr. Faris has been completed Harvard Medical School/ Global Clinical Scholar Research Training (GCSRT) Program. Dr. Faris works now as an associate professor at the Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics/the University of Sharjah, with 22 years of experience in the academic field in four Arabian universities. Dr. Faris published one hundred scientific publications (60 original research and review articles, 11 refereed books/book chapters, and 29 conference proceedings/abstracts/posters). Dr. Faris provided and still providing the local community with many of public articles in popular magazines in different Arab countries. He is an author and co-author in a list of scientific and academic refereed books and participated in editing and reviewing several important Arabic books in nutrition. Recently, he had published his refereed scientific books on “Nutrition and Cancer” and “Foods of the Holy Quran: from a Modern Nutritional perspective”. Dr. Faris holds the State Award for the Excellent Ph.D. The student from Jordan 2010, The Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award at the University of Jordan in 2009. Dr. Faris presented in about thirty local, regional and international conferences and workshops in the areas of human nutrition and dietetics, as well as attending different mass media. Dr. Faris is a member and a founder of several associations and professional societies and specialized committees, and a reviewer for many international journals.  






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-05-15 14:00-16:00 多功能会议室9-2F


2021-05-15 14:00-14:20 多功能会议室9-2F


讲者 Ramadan Diurnal Intermittent Fasting And Other Types Of Experimental Fasting: An Overview